
Share Restructuring

two business owners having a meeting about share restructuring

Share Restructuring: Unlocking New Opportunities for Your Business

Are you looking to restructure your company’s shareholding?

Whether you are issuing new shares or redistributing existing ones, share restructuring can be a powerful tool to realign ownership and incentivise key staff members. 📊

But doing so is much more complex than many people seem to think, and if done incorrectly can have major implications for your business at a future date!

So, what exactly is share restructuring, and how can it benefit your business?

What is Share Restructuring?

Share restructuring involves making changes to the allocation of shares in a company.

This can include redistributing shares among current shareholders, issuing new shares to attract investment, or even a share-for-share exchange to create flexibility or protect assets via a group structure, or as consideration for the acquisition of shares during mergers or acquisitions.

Essentially, it can be a strategic move to better position your company for growth or to keep your most valued team members committed through initiatives like EMI (Enterprise Management Incentives) schemes.

How Can IN Accountancy Help?

At IN Accountancy, we specialise in ensuring that our clients’ share structures align with their commercial needs and longer-term aspirations while also managing external risks.

Our team of expert tax advisors and accountants has extensive experience in guiding businesses through these processes, ensuring that every step is tax-efficient and legally compliant. ✅

From small limited companies to larger organisations, our tailored approach ensures that your unique goals are met, whether you’re looking to:

  • Issue new shares to raise capital, perhaps taking advantage of the opportunities offered by venture capital schemes such as the Enterprise Investment Scheme

  • Restructure ownership to reflect new stakeholders or exit an existing shareholder

  • Create tax-efficient employee share schemes

  • Introduce a group structure to protect assets and align corporate and commercial structures

  • Navigate mergers and acquisitions utilising share-for-share exchanges to part-fund acquisitions while preserving cash/minimising debt

We work closely with directors, shareholders, and key stakeholders to ensure that the restructure aligns with your business strategy and supports long-term growth.

Why is Share Restructuring Important?

There are several reasons why a business may opt for share restructuring. You may want to issue shares to attract investment, change the control structure to better reflect the company’s future direction, or retain essential staff members with ownership stakes. Share restructuring can help:

  • Simplify ownership structures

  • Boost capital inflow

  • Retain and incentivise key employees

  • Facilitate smoother mergers and acquisitions

  • Prepare for a future sale or exit strategy

It’s not just about moving shares around—it’s about strategically setting up your company for success. 🌟

What Does the Process Involve?

The process of restructuring shares varies depending on your business’s needs. Typically, it involves the following five steps:

  1. Assessment of Current Structure: We evaluate your existing ownership and assess how it aligns to your personal and business goals.

  2. Strategic Planning: if your current structure is not supporting the achievement of your goals, we work collaboratively with you to design the structure which is right for your company.

  3. Implementation Plan: Together, we create a detailed plan take the structure from where it is now to where you want it to be.

  4. Tax Advice: We will provide you with the reassurance you need that the plan we have developed is in line with the requirements of the UK tax laws, while taking advantage of all of the legitimate tax reliefs that are available and relevant.

  5. Execution: Working in conjunction with your chosen solicitors we will ensure that legal paperwork aligns to ensure it achieves the desired commercial and tax outcomes.

Ready to Restructure?

At IN Accountancy, we understand that restructuring shares can be a complex and sensitive process. That’s why our expert team is here to guide you every step of the way. Let’s work together to ensure your share restructuring maximises value for your company and positions you for future growth. 🚀

If you’re interested in discussing how share restructuring could benefit your company, get in touch with our expert team today. We’d be happy to walk you through your options and develop a plan tailored to your business.

👉 Contact us to start your restructuring journey today.


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