
News and Views

Limited Companies

An image of of bundles of plastic bottles as an illustration to support with the PPT blog post

Plastic Packaging Tax – Are you Ready?

The Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT) was introduced in April 2022 on plastic packaging that does not contain at least 30% recycled plastic content – read the full article to find out if you are affected, and what to do if you are!

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Image of an accountant talking to a client

The Growth Plan 2022

The Growth Plan 2022 announced by Kwasi Kwarteng this morning went further than anticipated in terms of tax cuts and targeting a growth trend at

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Tax investigations are on the increase

HMRC Enquiries on the Increase

As things slowly return to ‘normal’ following the Covid 19 pandemic, HMRC enquiries are on the increase

According to Croner-i, the UK’s leading provider of online information, expert guidance, and tools for professionals, the number of insurance claims have increased by 60% in the last quarter, as HMRC increases enquiry levels into potential tax avoidance.

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