Business rates system – have your say

The government has launched a wide-ranging review of national business rates in England.

HM Treasury’s ‘wide-ranging review’ of England’s non-domestic rates system will report its findings before the 2016 Budget. The Treasury’s discussion paper invites responses from a wide range of stakeholders on issues such as commercial property use, how the rates system can be modernised, and whether business rates should continue to be based on property values.

Written responses will be accepted from the beginning of April until 12th June 2015.

Chief Secretary to the Treasury Danny Alexander said:

‘Our system of business rates was created nearly 30 years ago. Since that time, the worlds of commerce and industry have changed beyond recognition. I’ve been impressed by the representations made by the business community and I know that business rates are a considerable cost.

The government has taken measures to help businesses by capping rates and introducing reliefs for smaller businesses. But now the time has come for a radical review of this important tax. We want to ensure the business rates system is fair, efficient and effective.’

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