Pension Schemes for Auto Enrolment

The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has published some guidance aimed at the 1.3 million small and micro employers who are preparing for pensions auto enrolment. The guidance aims to help employers find a good quality pension scheme. TPR research suggests one in five (290,000) employers will not seek advice when choosing a pension scheme, while one in ten (130,000) do not know how to select a scheme, or think it will be difficult.

The information includes details of a list of ‘master trust’ pension schemes open to employers of all sizes, and which have been independently reviewed to help to demonstrate that they are administered to a high standard.

TPR have also made available a quick guide for small and micro employers on what to look out for when choosing a scheme suited to their needs. They have also updated their webpage guidance to advisors.

Lesley Titcomb, chief executive of The Pensions Regulator, said:

‘I strongly believe that the vast majority of the 1.3 million small and micro employers approaching automatic enrolment want to do the right thing. However, many will choose not to seek advice and will need additional support to meet their duties.

We are committed to providing them with the information they need to make confident choices when it comes to choosing a quality scheme for their employees.’

If you would like help complying with your auto enrolment duties please do get in touch.

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